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Driving in Mauritius

Tips for driving in Mauritius

Note that Mauritius is a rather small island, measuring slightly over 60 kilometers in length and under 50 km in width. Because of this, it is entirely feasible to go to the island's four corners in a single day. With that in mind, you should consider things like speed limits, narrow roads, and high traffic during rush hours while organizing your driving course in Mauritius. Moreover, remember to leave extra time in your schedule to stop at many of the sights, attractions, facilities, and breathtaking perspectives you come across along the road.

Motorcycle helmets are required under Mauritian legislation when riding a motorcycle. Motorcyclists in Mauritius are now required to wear fluorescent tops at night on Mauritian highways. So make sure to request reflective clothing and helmets that are appropriate for you.


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Highway Vs. Small roads - The Mauritius highway is a great time saver, but driving on the highway is not as fun or as interesting as driving through sugar-cane fringed gravel tracks, squeezing past yellow buses on narrow roads or stopping in the small, friendly villages. Driving in the smaller roads will reveal a more intimate Mauritius on its many hidden villages, with that, driving in small roads is more time consuming.

Road Map – A big Help - Mauritius is a small island with many direction signs along the main roads and at every major interaction is pretty easy to navigate. With that, when deciding to go off the main roads you will find very little direction signs and you can easily get lost. This is why a decent road map can be very helpful too, you may download an offline map on google map, which may ease your travel in case you don't have internet

Friendly people happy to assist and show the way - If you're really not sure where you are or where to go to, or in case you got lost, just ask the locals for directions. The Mauritians are very friendly and are always happy to help and show you the way to your destination. Many times you will find that you don't even have to ask for instructions, as the locals will be happy to advice and show you the way even before you ask.

Parking in Port Louis (Capital)- When visiting Port Louis you may park the scooter anywhere along the street and when doing so you save the hassle of driving into small streets and the chaotic traffic of Port Louis.

Driver’s license

Foreigners with a driving license issued by a competent authority in their respective countries can drive during their stay in Mauritius. Before you arrive in Mauritius make sure to check if your country has signed a convention with Mauritius regarding your country’s driver’s license.

Also, make sure to check with your ministry of transportation in your country of residence if your national driver’s license is sufficient for driving in Mauritius, or if an International driver’s license should also be presented together with your country’s national driving license.

With a car driving license, you are authorised to drive a 125cc motorcycle

Speed limitation

Speed limitations are 60 km/h in agglomerations and 80 km/h on the main open roads. On the Mauritius highway, the average speed limitation is 100 km/h; at some parts, it is 110 km/h – make sure to follow the speed signs.

Drive on the Left

Cars drive on the left-hand side whilst priority is for vehicles coming from the right.

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