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Mauritius Guide- A full guidance for your journey

First hand information about Mauritius is provided by the Klokan Rental Guide. There is no better place than the Klokan Rental Guide to begin your exploration of Mauritius. 

Here you can find all the necessary information for every tourist of the island, making sure you are well informed while visiting our beautiful paradise Island.

Everything should be natural about my experiece of a local guide story

tourist map of mauritius

Our experienced team has written The Mauritius Guide for you to have a great overview of Mauritius and to find all the possible details about the island, nature, maps, events, points of interest, history, and many more. 


Is it easy to drive a scooter in Mauritius?


Driving is generally relatively simple in Mauritius because to well-kept roads and a strong infrastructure. However, during peak commuter hours, the roads can get rather congested in the island's more populated areas like Ebene, Quatre-Bornes, Rose-Hill, and Port-Louis. It may take much longer to drive in these locations during morning and evening rush hour than at other times of the day.


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Mauritian cuisine

Street food
festivals in mauritius


In Mauritius
sega shows in mauritius

Local Music

Mauritius &
mauritius speaking language and translator guide


touristic attraction in mauritius

Road trips ideas

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